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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trump asking allies about possibility of Nikki Haley for vice president

Former President Donald Trump has been asking allies and advisers for their thoughts about Nikki Haley as a potential vice presidential candidate, two sources familiar with the conversations tell CBS News.

The feedback from the MAGA crowd regarding putting Haley on the ticket if Trump wins the GOP nomination has been overwhelmingly negative, according to these GOP sources.Politico first reportedthat Trump allies are working to quash the possibility of a Trump-Haley ticket.

The former South Carolina governor has been gaining ground in recent polls, and a top Trump adviser tells CBS News one internal prediction is Haley might be a close third in Iowa to DeSantis, or that she could even come in second.

But Trump, in an interview Friday with conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, blasted polls showing Haley performing well as “fake.” He also insisted he’s not worried about Haley as a challenger.

Haley has been touting her rise in the polls, telling voters in New Hampshire that she’s “surging” against Trump. The latestCBS News poll shows Haley is gaining on Trump in New Hampshire, but the former president still has a big lead in Iowa. In New Hampshire, the poll shows Trump leading with 44% to Haley’s 29%.

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