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Friday, July 26, 2024

3 great reasons to insure your dog now

When considering the purchase of your new dog, there were many exciting factors to account for. This ranged from the breed and age to the color and size. You may have thought about the toys you’d purchase them, the food they’d eat and the beds they’d sleep in. But chances are good that many prospective dog owners didn’t think too much about the cost of pet ownership.

However, once the dog has been brought home and the trips to the veterinarian start occurring, the price unfortunately comes to the forefront of many decisions. At this point, many owners will have to closely compare the costs of care against the savings they can keep by doing nothing. Fortunately, pet insurance can help.

By paying a small premium to a pet insurance company each month (often discounted if paid annually), owners can secure coverage for a wide range of veterinarian visits, treatments and even some medications. Pet insurance can be valuable for dogs, cats and even some exotic animals. There are some compelling reasons why dog owners, in particular, should consider insuring their dogs now.

If you’re in the market for pet insurance then start by getting a free price quote here today.

3 great reasons to insure your dog now

Here are three reasons why you may want to insure your dog today.

Pet costs are high

Add pet costs to the list of growing expenses this year. The median price of having a dog is around $1,400 a year and is slightly less expensive for cats (around $1,200), according to a recent report. With many cats and dogs living to be 15 years old or longer, that can add up to significant sums of money. Without pet insurance, you’ll be liable for paying all of those medical costs out of pocket. And if you’re the owner of a puppy or newly adopted dog, chances are you’ll be heading to the vet often during that first 12 months or so.

But pet insurance can cover up to 90% of the costs you otherwise would have had to dip into savings or use your credit card for. By choosing a pet insurance provider now, you’ll be better prepared to deal with the rising costs of pet care. Simply submit a claim and get reimbursed for the amount you spent. It’s that simple.

Check pet insurance prices here now or compare providers in the below table to learn more.

Prices will rise (and coverage will be reduced)

The longer you wait to insure your dog, the more you’re likely to pay for coverage. Older dogs are inherently considered riskier ones to insure. That risk will be reflected in higher insurance premiums charged to the owner.

But it’s not just the cost that will become prohibitive. Coverage limitations will also increase, particularly if your dog develops pre-existing conditions before you apply. Pet insurance providers can — and will — turn your pet down if these conditions are significant. And they’ll charge you more than they would have if the conditions weren’t existent.

So don’t wait for either to happen! Act today and get a cost-effective and comprehensive policy for your furry friend.

Certain breeds will need more care

Not all dog breeds are created equally. Some, like those with “flat faces,” like French and English bulldogs, will require more medical care more often than others. Newfoundlands have kidney stones. Jack Russel Terriers are known for congenital myasthenic syndrome, an inherited neuromuscular disease. And German Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia.

If you have one of these dogs— or are considering one soon — then it’s practically a certainty that you’ll need more care than if you had chosen a different breed. So why wait and see coverage options limited and costs rise? If you already know you’re going to need the help that a pet insurance policy can provide, it makes sense to get in now when prices are still reasonable.

Get a free pet insurance quote in 30 seconds here now.

The bottom line

There are always smart reasons to insure your dog. But with rising care costs and the prospect of higher insurance prices and limited coverage options in the future, now is a great time to act. Plus, if you have a certain dog breed, or are planning on securing one down the line, the research is already in. You will need more care than if you had other breeds. So why pay extra when you can get the help a pet insurance provider can offer now?

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